Vote Now to Support the TMC Outdoor Fitness Area Fundraising Campaign
If you would like to help our community raise funds for the TMC Outdoor Fitness Area project, here is your chance! The Fundraising Committee has submitted the TMC Outdoor Fitness Area project for Round 3 of the Aviva Community Fund. Projects with the most votes move on to the semi-finals, with a possible grant of $50,000. For each unique email address that you register with Aviva, you get one vote per day, from November 10 – November 24. Every vote brings us closer to winning this major award. Please register and vote as many times as possible, and feel free to also spread the word on Facebook and Twitter, and tell your friends, neighbors, and anyone else you can think of. To register and vote, just go to: Projects from Round 2 that made it to the semi-finals last year each had over 1000 votes, and one had more than 4000 votes, so […]