Daily Archives: October 31, 2015

PARENT EDUCATION NIGHT: Know What your Kids Know – Internet and Social Media Safety

The Tuscany Community Coalition is proud to present the next Parent Education evening “Know What your Kids Know” Internet and Social Media Safety presented by Shelly Smith with Telus Wise (wise internet and smart phone education) Thursday, 26 November 2015 from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM (MST) Tuscany School – 990 Tuscany Dr NW The evening will cover Digital society – what that means in Canada and for your children Computer safety (password etc) Top 10 Social media tips Smart phone safety and security How to talk to your kids Etiquette and norms and a tip sheet For more information:  http://blog.telus.com/community/keeping-families-safe-online-with-telus-wise/ Free and Open to all Tuscany residents. You *do not* need to print off a ticket to show at the door. Past events have been extremely popular.  If you sign up for a ticket and find you are unable to attend, please cancel your ticket so someone else can use […]