Daily Archives: February 15, 2016

How to register for soccer 2016

Soccer registration is open from February 15th, 2016 through February 29th, 2016 This is a short set of instructions for how to sign your child up for the TCA Community Soccer League. Our registration software isn’t the most intuitive so please be patient! CLICK HERE to go to our online registration system If you already have a username and password then login to the system; if you do not, then follow the instructions to create one You’ll need to purchase a 2016 membership to the Tuscany Community Association (this is different than the Resident’s Association which operates the Tuscany Club). To do so: Near the top look for Membership: Tuscany Community Assoc. and then a blue link that says “Renew” Click Renew Click “Pay now” and follow the directions You need to pay for the TCA membership before you can add any soccer registrations To register for soccer:  Click New Registration […]