Daily Archives: June 11, 2018

12 Mile Coulee Road Upgrade Underway

Please see the note below from Kris at Volker Stevin regarding a traffic pattern change along 12 mile Coulee Rd starting today, Monday June 11th. “We are currently working on the 12 Mile Coulee Rd Upgrading project and i would like to notify the community of a traffic pattern change that is about to take place.While heading southbound on 12 Mile Coulee Rd at the Tuscany way intersection, the current designated left turn lane will be eliminated. Northbound traffic will then be shifted slightly to the east and there will only be one lane for both straight through traffic and left turning traffic. Throughout the day this change should have minimal impact on traffic but during the peak traffic hours potential delays and traffic backups are expected to. To try and minimize traffic congestion it is recommended that vehicles wanting to turn onto Tuscany Way turn left prior to Tuscany […]