
TCA Soccer Hoodie Pre-Order Now Open!

Keep warm this soccer season with your very own Tuscany Soccer hoodie! You can pre-order it today and have it by the time the soccer season starts. Sizes: Youth Small through Adult XXL available Colour: Grey with black logo Price: $35 each Pre-order is available through Feb 29, 2016   How to order Click Here to go to the order form  Sign in to SportzSoft Update your TCA Membership (if required) Click “New Registration” Select who you want to order the hoodie for Select their size from the “Select registration product…” menu Click Add Another Registration to add another hoodie to your order Once you’re finished adding hoodies click Next to pay via credit card If you have any questions contact soccer@tuscanyca.org for assistance

PARENT EDUCATION NIGHT: Know What your Kids Know – Internet and Social Media Safety

The Tuscany Community Coalition is proud to present the next Parent Education evening “Know What your Kids Know” Internet and Social Media Safety presented by Shelly Smith with Telus Wise (wise internet and smart phone education) Thursday, 26 November 2015 from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM (MST) Tuscany School – 990 Tuscany Dr NW The evening will cover Digital society – what that means in Canada and for your children Computer safety (password etc) Top 10 Social media tips Smart phone safety and security How to talk to your kids Etiquette and norms and a tip sheet For more information:  http://blog.telus.com/community/keeping-families-safe-online-with-telus-wise/ Free and Open to all Tuscany residents. You *do not* need to print off a ticket to show at the door. Past events have been extremely popular.  If you sign up for a ticket and find you are unable to attend, please cancel your ticket so someone else can use […]


The Calgary Rocky Ridge Forum was held Thursday evening where residents were given opportunity to see and hear the four candidates respond to key issues and provide relevant information on their party positions. Candidates were available before and after the formal agenda to meet constituents and answer individual specific questions. A forum is an event where pre-selected questions are carefully selected that provides opportunity for all candidates to respond; it is not a debate, nor does it target any one candidate. It is now able for your viewing on Vimeo here.   The Calgary Rocky Ridge Forum was conducted without incident. Towards the end of the event, an individual with intent to disrupt it, attempted to enter the meeting room and was detained by Tuscany Club staff and Forum volunteers. Those attending the Forum were not aware of this incident until after it had ended. We want to express our […]

All Candidates Forum Oct 8th 7:30pm 1

The TCA is pleased to co-host an ALL-CANDIDATES FORUM for our new federal riding of CALGARY ROCKY RIDGE. The FORUM will be held Thursday, October 8th, 7:30 PM at the Tuscany Club: 212 Tuscany Way NW. Any residents in the riding are welcome to attend. For those who are unable to make it, the forum will be recorded and posted to YouTube, via a link from our website. A series of prepared questions will be posed to the candidates by the moderator. Questions for the candidates may be submitted via email to president@tuscanyca.org for consideration. There will be no questions from the floor, but campaign teams will be available afterward to provide information and engage on an individual basis. All of the candidates have confirmed their attendance. The Tuscany Community Association (TCA) is working together with the Tuscany Residents Association (TRA), and our neighbours Rocky Ridge Royal Oak Community Association (RRROCA) […]

Bullying Ends Here is now available on Amazon!

Hi Everyone, Bullying Ends Here is now available on Amazon!  Proceeds from the book go to Bullying Ends Here which allows me to keep talking to you and their teachers in schools across Canada. I have a favour to ask.  Could you please purchase the book on Tuesday 30 June?  Of course your can purchase the book anytime but we are aiming to reach ‘best seller’ status on Amazon which will give the book, and especially the message that Bullying Ends Here, higher visibility. Here’s the link Lastly, if you could share this with anyone I may have missed, on social media or by any other means you can think of, I would truly appreciate it. Thank-you for all your support Have a great summer! Your friend, Tad

Tuscany Elementary School – Naming Survey

A School Naming Committee comprised of six Tuscany community representatives, Calgary Board of Education trustees and administration was convened to bring a recommendation for the name of the new elementary school being built in Tuscany to the Board of Trustees. The committee would like your input for naming this new school. The committee will only consider names that follow the Board of Trustees’ Guiding Principles (see survey). Please complete this survey prior to June 8, 2015. It is important to note that this is not a vote, but rather an opportunity for input. Learn more and submit your naming suggestions http://www.cbe.ab.ca/schools/building-and-modernizing-schools/Pages/tuscany-school.aspx


Bullying Ends Here Presented by Constable Tad Milmine and Dare to Care Parents will learn about what bullying is, the effects it can have, as well as what can we do to help our children. This free event is open to all community residents Tuesday, May 26, 2015 from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM Twelve Mile Coulee School 65 Tuscany Hills Road NW For more information see: http://www.bullyingendshere.ca/tad/tad-s-story and http://daretocare.ca/ FREE and Open to all Tuscany residents To register for this free event please click here

Notice of intent to Amend Bylaws

The Tuscany Community Association (TCA) is intending to amend the bylaws at the 2015 Annual General Meeting to be held 7pm on May 20, 2015 at the Tuscany Club. The latest bylaws are posted here for community review Click here to download the DRAFT Tuscany Community Association Bylaws V3.3 Please send any comments, feedback, change requests, or suggestions to president@tuscanyca.org

All-Candidate Forum Video 1

The TCA co-hosted two all-candidate forums with the Scenic Acres Community Association and the Rocky Ridge Royal Oak Community Association. Questions were different for each, so you may wish to run through both if you are interested in a specific issue. Both were recorded, and the video links are here: Monday, April 20th — not attended by Sandra Jansen (PC) or Karen Mills (NDP): https://t.co/2krdREtuaF Friday, April 24th — not attended by Karen Mills (NDP): https://vimeo.com/126012491