Jon Neufeld

Open House – Potential Bearspaw development Apr 26 5:30-8:30

You’re Invited: Neighbours Meet & Greet Open House Wednesday, April 26, 2017 Lynx Ridge Golf Course 5:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Highfield Land Management (HLM) is in the preliminary stages of developing a Conceptual Scheme/Land Use Amendment for a proposed project in Bearspaw envisioned to include residential, commercial and potentially office and mixed-use development. The area is located directly west of 12 Mile Coulee Road and directly south of Highway 1A. The team is hosting an introductory meet and greet with neighbours. You’ll have an opportunity to meet the project team, ask questions and provide feedback on their preliminary project vision and land use concept ideas. If you have any questions or comments before the open house, you can contact HLM’s Community Engagement Representative Bridget Honch at or at 403 692 – 4364.

Early April Road Closure: Tuscany Way NW and Tuscany Valley Park NW

COMMUNITY NOTICE Please be advised that for approximately four (4) days beginning in early April 2017 there will be lane restrictions and traffic delays at the intersection of Tuscany Way NW and Tuscany Valley Park NW. This is due to the connection of essential underground services — water mains, sanitary lines (sewer) and storm water — to the Tuscany Fire Station currently under construction. Please note the connection will not impact the community’s water services. A traffic management plan has been developed. Signs will be posted and traffic controllers will be on site to help direct traffic. Stuart Olson, the onsite contractor, will attempt to minimize disruptions and will take all necessary precautions to ensure the safety of those in the area. Please be aware of the potential hazards of the site and ensure that you remain a safe distance from the site and equipment. We apologize for any disruption […]

Update on Development adjoining Tuscany Summit Heath

In December 2016 the TCA received a letter from the Lutheran Church, saying they will no longer be building a church, and plan to sell the land. It may be some time before we know what will be built on the site, which is to the west of the homes on Tuscany Summit Heath and to the north of some of the homes on Tuscany Summit Terrace. At about the same time, Rockford Group applied for a Development Permit, as they wish to proceed with building the 85 townhouses to the north of Tuscany Summit Heath. Comments were received from a number of residents, and the TCA provided feedback to the City. For the most part, the plans follow the rules for the zoning, so our focus was on encouraging the City and Rockford to work with the TCA in order to direct construction traffic through an alternate route, which […]

2017 Soccer Registration – Now Open

NOW OPEN! Volunteer Coaches please register your child and yourself here General Registration opens February 12th, 2017 For more information visit   Registration for the 2017 Tuscany Community Association Soccer league opens on February 1st for kids and parents who are volunteering to coach General registration opens on February 12th, 2017 Please use this link to register Please note: you’ll need to purchase a $25 TCA membership for the year prior to your soccer registration. You can do this through the same link. Only one membership is required per family.

Twelve Mile Coulee Road Widening – Spring 2017

On November 24th there was a meeting at the Bearspaw Lions Hall to discuss the upcoming widening of the 12 Mile Coulee road. Work is currently scheduled to begin in the spring of 2017 with the intent to finish before winter 2017. The final product will be an undivided four-lane road with retaining walls in appropriate places, sidewalks, a gravel walking path, and street lighting as appropriate. We are excited about this development and believe that it will make this road safer while improving access to Tuscany. You can see the draft designs and other details here, additional information is provided on the website of Eric Lowther, Councillor for Bearspaw and Rockyview here.  

Nov 6th – Tuscany Community Play Day!

Looking to do something new with your family this fall? Tuscany Community Association is hosting a free Community Play Day on Sunday, November 6th from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon at Tuscany School (990 Tuscany Dr. NW).  Grab your family and come on out for a fun morning featuring an indoor mobile adventure playground, face painting, day camp games, and live entertainment! There’s something for everyone! Developed in partnership with The City of Calgary, Tuscany’s Community Play Day is a new family event that was made possible through the This is My Neighbourhood program.

Oct 26 @ 7pm: Managing Family Finances in Tough Times – FREE Event

Tuscany Community Coalition presents Morelia Roberti de Langille Managing Family Finances in Tough Times learn how money works buyers be aware RESP-RRSP budgeting tools for saving to retirement This is a Free Event with Light Refreshments and all are welcome. “To inspire and engage the community of Tuscany to create and sustain a safe and healthy neighbourhood for all residents” DATE AND TIME: Wed, 26 October 2016, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM MDT LOCATION: St Basil Elementary Jr High School Please sign up here: