
November 2018 Traffic and Safety Committee Meeting

On October 4th, The City hosted a Ward Traffic Safety meeting at the Silver Springs Community Association. As part of it, attendees were given an opportunity to review the findings of the past Ward Traffic Safety meeting, discuss specific concerns within our communities, and receive updates from The City and Calgary Police Services. The presentation is available here… Community Traffic Safety Meeting 2018 Engagement Some of the notable points are: In 2016, there were a total of 26 fatal collisions in the City of Calgary. In 2017, that number fell to 10 fatal incidents. With regard to injury collisions, there were 2,430 incidents in 2016 which climbed to 2,796 in 2017. The majority of injury collisions occur to vehicle occupants. For a 1% decrease in speed, there is a 2% decrease in collisions, a 3% decrease in injuries, and 4% decrease in fatalities. During the last round of ward traffic […]

12 Mile Coulee Road Upgrade Underway

Please see the note below from Kris at Volker Stevin regarding a traffic pattern change along 12 mile Coulee Rd starting today, Monday June 11th. “We are currently working on the 12 Mile Coulee Rd Upgrading project and i would like to notify the community of a traffic pattern change that is about to take place.While heading southbound on 12 Mile Coulee Rd at the Tuscany way intersection, the current designated left turn lane will be eliminated. Northbound traffic will then be shifted slightly to the east and there will only be one lane for both straight through traffic and left turning traffic. Throughout the day this change should have minimal impact on traffic but during the peak traffic hours potential delays and traffic backups are expected to. To try and minimize traffic congestion it is recommended that vehicles wanting to turn onto Tuscany Way turn left prior to Tuscany […]

Twelve Mile Coulee Road Upgrades: Construction Update

Twelve Mile Coulee Road Upgrades: Construction Update April 30, 2018 to May 30, 2018 Tusslewood Drive to Tuscany Way Construction Activities: Construction of South Bound Lanes o Grading and construction of retaining walls o Street Lighting o Paving and Concrete Surfacing Traffic Impact: Generally there will be no impact to traffic flow Periodic short stoppages may be required for construction access Reduced lane widths will be required Estimated Duration: Road Construction in this area is anticipated to be completed June 30th with Landscaping continuing into July. Tuscany Way to North of Watermark Villas Construction Activities: Sidewalks, streetlighting and landscaping Traffic Impact: Generally there will be minimal impact to traffic as two-way traffic will be maintained on narrowed lanes. Estimated Duration: Road Construction in this area is anticipated to be completed June 30th with Landscaping continuing into the fall in conjunction with the work down to 80th. 80th Ave NW to […]

Don’t Get Taken for a Ride This Holiday Season

  The holiday season — and its usual round of office parties, New Year celebrations, and family get-togethers – is now upon us. Late nights, unpredictable weather, and perhaps a celebratory drink or two, mean that many of us will be leaving our car at home and seeking alternative modes of transport. Taxis, rideshare and limo services are a safe choice for traveling around our city. These services are regulated by The City of Calgary and must meet City safety standards before drivers can take passengers. “At The City, our number one priority is keeping passengers and drivers safe”, said Abdul Rafih, Chief Livery Inspector at The City of Calgary. “All rideshare apps provide passengers with a photo of the driver, the licence plate number and the make and model of the vehicle. They also offer real time GPS tracking so you can track the vehicle on route to your […]

The Backstory on the New YMCA Opening Jan 15

Have you heard of the new YMCA opening this January just up the road in Rocky Ridge? Maybe you are interested a bit in the backstory and how this Rec Center came to be. Here is former Tuscany Community Association president Kelli Taylor’s story…. In about 2005, the TCA sparked a project which has grown into more than we ever imagined. We invited neighbouring community associations to join with us to work towards building a recreation center in the NW. In fact, we thought at that time it could be built in Tuscany. Years later, the City became involved, and gave our dream a path to reality. The YMCA was chosen as the facility operator, and Shane Homes invested $3.5 million to become the naming sponsor. An amazing result! Tours begin this Friday, and opening day is January 15. Check it out Shane Homes YMCA at Rocky Ridge These are […]

In Search of Off Leash Ambassadors!

Hello Tuscany! We are in search of volunteers who love our community and who love our canine friends! We need Off Leash Ambassadors to help us with a new partnership the city of Calgary is developing! Interested? See below for more info! __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ We are currently recruiting volunteers to participate in the Off-Leash Ambassador program. The Off-Leash Ambassador program is an innovative approach with a volunteer-based, citizen-led initiative to promote responsible pet ownership in Calgary’s 150 off-leash parks. Volunteers in the program will: Promote responsible pet ownership, positive pet interactions and safety in off-leash areas through the provision of information and demonstrations Answer questions regarding Calgary’s bylaws in off-leash areas Act as positive role models in off-leash parks in terms of adhering with Calgary’s bylaws Provide an avenue for citizens to express concerns and pass along concerns to City staff Promote the work of Calgary Community Standards and the services […]

Fire Hall Update

Good afternoon Tuscany! We wanted to get you some updated information on the construction progress of our new fire hall! Please note the following dates for upcoming projects with traffic implications. November 6th there will be a crane onsite moving large deliveries of mechanical. There will be a notable increase in traffic making these deliveries on the day. November 14th there will be a large concrete pour for the apparatus bay slab. This will create a noticeable increase in traffic for the day. Also a general summary of the progress thus far. -Masonry will be ongoing through October, with an increased focus on exterior brickwork. There will be some increased heavy traffic on the site, via Tuscany Way NW, due to block and brick deliveries. -Glazing will be ongoing through October, with an increased focus on curtainwall. -External site concrete and asphalt paving will be completed over the coming weeks. […]