TCA Blog

Neighbour Day is Coming- June 15th 2019

Celebrate with your neighbours on June 15: Neighbour Day 2019 Click here to apply for a $100 micro-grant from the TCA to support your Neighbour Day event!  Held annually on the third Saturday of June, Neighbour Day is an opportunity to get together with your neighbours and celebrate Calgary’s strong community spirit. This year Neighbour Day falls on Saturday, June 15. The City is once again waiving its greenspace booking fees for approved Neighbour Day events taking place on June 15. As of January 1, 2019 The City has waived fees for block party permits. Please note that the deadline to apply for these permits is May 24, 2019. The City welcomes all Calgarians to celebrate and encourages as many people as possible to host local community events. has evolved to be an opportunity for communities across the city to come together in the form of BBQs, block parties, cleanups and […]

12 Mile Coulee Spring Projects

It’s almost Spring and that means it is time to get out and enjoy all of the incredible natural places that make Tuscany special! Take a look at a couple small projects happening in the Coulee this spring to help improve our community! Information can be found here….  12 Mile Coulee Spring Projects

November 2018 Traffic and Safety Committee Meeting

On October 4th, The City hosted a Ward Traffic Safety meeting at the Silver Springs Community Association. As part of it, attendees were given an opportunity to review the findings of the past Ward Traffic Safety meeting, discuss specific concerns within our communities, and receive updates from The City and Calgary Police Services. The presentation is available here… Community Traffic Safety Meeting 2018 Engagement Some of the notable points are: In 2016, there were a total of 26 fatal collisions in the City of Calgary. In 2017, that number fell to 10 fatal incidents. With regard to injury collisions, there were 2,430 incidents in 2016 which climbed to 2,796 in 2017. The majority of injury collisions occur to vehicle occupants. For a 1% decrease in speed, there is a 2% decrease in collisions, a 3% decrease in injuries, and 4% decrease in fatalities. During the last round of ward traffic […]

12 Mile Coulee Road Upgrade Underway

Please see the note below from Kris at Volker Stevin regarding a traffic pattern change along 12 mile Coulee Rd starting today, Monday June 11th. “We are currently working on the 12 Mile Coulee Rd Upgrading project and i would like to notify the community of a traffic pattern change that is about to take place.While heading southbound on 12 Mile Coulee Rd at the Tuscany way intersection, the current designated left turn lane will be eliminated. Northbound traffic will then be shifted slightly to the east and there will only be one lane for both straight through traffic and left turning traffic. Throughout the day this change should have minimal impact on traffic but during the peak traffic hours potential delays and traffic backups are expected to. To try and minimize traffic congestion it is recommended that vehicles wanting to turn onto Tuscany Way turn left prior to Tuscany […]

Twelve Mile Coulee Road Upgrades: Construction Update

Twelve Mile Coulee Road Upgrades: Construction Update April 30, 2018 to May 30, 2018 Tusslewood Drive to Tuscany Way Construction Activities: Construction of South Bound Lanes o Grading and construction of retaining walls o Street Lighting o Paving and Concrete Surfacing Traffic Impact: Generally there will be no impact to traffic flow Periodic short stoppages may be required for construction access Reduced lane widths will be required Estimated Duration: Road Construction in this area is anticipated to be completed June 30th with Landscaping continuing into July. Tuscany Way to North of Watermark Villas Construction Activities: Sidewalks, streetlighting and landscaping Traffic Impact: Generally there will be minimal impact to traffic as two-way traffic will be maintained on narrowed lanes. Estimated Duration: Road Construction in this area is anticipated to be completed June 30th with Landscaping continuing into the fall in conjunction with the work down to 80th. 80th Ave NW to […]

2018 Neighbour Day Grants Now available!

The Tuscany Community Association (TCA) wants to encourage everyone to engage with their neighbours in a block party, get together, or social gathering on Neighbour Day. Neighbour day was set up by the City after the floods of 2013 as a way to encourage all Calgarians to meet their neighbours and build strong neighborhoods Neighbour Day is Saturday June 16th, 2018 To learn more, and apply for a grant, click here