As a result of the continuing jobs crisis here in Calgary, MPs Michelle Rempel and Pat Kelly are holding a free Career Services event.

This is not a job fair.
This event aims to assist those who are looking for work by connecting them with service providers and resources that can assist with job search, resume writing, interview skills, enhance online job search techniques and more.
When: May 23, 6:00- 8:00 PM
Where: Foothills Alliance Church (333 Edgepark Blvd N.W.).
Cost: Free
This free, come-and-go event will showcase local organizations and resources available to individuals in Calgary that can assist with a job search, or help with the challenges that come with unemployment.
Attendees will also be able to connect with local post-secondary institutions to discuss options around furthering education, and with groups who can point attendees to resources available for managing the stress related to a job loss.
Please check back regularly for a full list of participating organisations and speakers:
- Bow Valley College
- Bow West, Community Resource Centre
- Calgary Catholic Immigration Society
- Calgary Immigrant Services
- Calgary Immigrant Women’s Association
- Calgary Public Library
- Career Connections
- Centre for Newcomers
- Ready, Willing, & Able
- Service Canada
- The City of Calgary
- University of Calgary
Job Search Sessions:
6:00-6:45 PM- Immigrant Services Calgary, Ghazi Hallab
Topic: Employment Bridging Services
6:45 PM – Talent Tactics, Adam Czarnecki
Topic: Job Networking v Career Networking: How to not look for a job
7:15-8:00 PM- Bow Valley College Career Connections, Thomas Labelle
Topic: Enhancing your Career Resiliency during tough Economic times
There will be an opportunity for attendees to have one complimentary digital head shot photograph taken to enhance their online job search profiles.