Cell tower

Rogers Wireless Cell Tower proposed for Tuscany Blvd.

Update on Proposed Rogers Cell Tower in Tuscany 1

In the spring of 2012, the Tuscany Community Association received notice that Rogers Wireless was planning to erect a cellular tower on the east side of 12 Mile Coulee Park, near Villa d’Este (click here for details). The plan created a bit of a stir with some residents, and on April 26, 2012, Rogers Wireless arranged an open house at the Tuscany Club to engage with our residents. The TCA also solicited feedback from the community and sent responses to the proposal to Rogers and the City of Calgary (click here to see the responses). The TCA recently received notice from Rogers Wireless with a revised plan to construct a cellular tower in the community. The location and type/height of the tower have changed, to address some of the community’s concerns. The details of this plan that were provided to us by Rogers are provided below. The new location is further […]

Community Response to Proposed Rogers Cellular Tower in Tuscany

The following letter was sent to the City regarding the TCA’s position regarding the proposed Rogers cell tower. Although not expressly stated in the letter, one of the board’s main concerns was the proximity of the proposed tower to the Villa D’este condominiums. This concern was raised in various communications to city officials. The TCA is committed to working with Rogers and the City to find a location for the tower that minimizes adverse impacts to the community and the 12-Mile Coulee. Click here to download the letter sent from the TCA about the proposed cell tower. Additionally, a group of Tuscany residents organized to speak out against the proposed development as it was presented by Rogers to the community.  With the support of over 400 members of the community, they drafted the following letters: Letter to the City of Calgary (click here to download) Letter to Rogers Wireless (click […]

Correction to Rogers Wireless’ Advertisement of Public Open House 3

Residents of Tuscany: please note the error in the brite-sign posted within our community announcing the Rogers/Telus/Wind Mobile open house to discuss the 200 ft cell tower that is under consideration for construction within our community.  The sign incorrectly states that the tower will be along Stoney Trail, but the proposal we received states it will be built along Tuscany Blvd within 12 Mile Coulee Park.  The Tuscany Community Association has contacted Rogers Wireless to request that the correct information be posted on the sign.


The deadline for Tuscany residents to file support, objections, recommendations for alternative sites, or suggestions for alternative technologies for the proposed Tuscany cellular tower is May 25, 2012, as the public consultation period ends 30 days after the Rogers Wireless “open house” in our community. Our community has not been invited to voice its concerns as a group at the April 26th “open house” organized by Rogers Wireless. The Tuscany Community Association will not be directly advocating a position regarding the proposal, but concerned residents are encouraged to voice their opinion to Rogers and industry regulators. Tuscany residents concerned about the proposed Rogers cell tower may also visit http://celltower.ca and contact support@celltower.ca for resources.

Cell Tower Open House 4

The Community Association has received notice of a public open house session to discuss the proposed Tuscany cellular tower adjacent to Tuscany Blvd NW. Please see the brochure provided by Rogers Wireless (click here). NOTICE OF PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE Open House Date: April 26, 2012 Open House Duration: 5:30 – 7:30 pm Open House Location: Tuscany Community Association Hall Banquet Room A – 212 Tuscany Way NW, Calgary, Alberta Rogers Wireless Ltd. invites the community to an open house to discuss our proposed Tuscany telecommunications facility and to provide input into site design and tower aesthetics. The Tuscany Community Association encourages all interested residents to attend and forward your comments or concerns to us. We also encourage you to provide your comments here on our website.

Cell Tower Plans for Tuscany 6

The Tuscany Community Association (TCA) has received the following information from Rogers Communications on the cell tower installation they are planning next to the Ville d’Este complex in Tuscany. The tower is slated to be approximately 60 metres (200 feet) high. Rogers Communications has notified the TCA of their intent to meet with the community on this issue.